Dalit Community

“I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.” - B. R. Ambedkar


Dalit Women Caucus (DWC)

Dalit Women Caucus (DWC) is concerned with general Dalit women's issues, with a focus on domestic violence.

Our immediate task is using our Facebook page and this blog to generate group discussions that would lead us to create a committed community which will work towards our long-term goal: devising a nation-wide support group system of Dalit men and women working against domestic violence.

We aim to be ardent students, keen on learning the strategies of resistance from Dalit women survivors of domestic violence. Due to historic circumstances of surviving in a society that has entrenched and graded inequality at every turn, makes Dalit women, the repositories of knowledge encompassing everyday skills of avoiding, resisting and then overcoming the devastating effects of many forms of violence. They are also the best teachers to provide an understanding of the inner dynamics of Dalit family and the constraints of the immediate society which makes girls and women vulnerable to domestic violence at home and at work places. The various ways in which they resist are largely unknown, as society tends to see them as victims, solely as passive recipients of violence against their person. DWC aims to bring out the empowering stories and strategies of resistance that Dalit women have to offer to the world of women.

DWC also aims to leverage existing laws and resources to complement the Dalit women’s struggles against domestic violence. Providing training to Dalit women and men to serve as domestic violence counselors and protection officers, and creating safe spaces and domestic violence shelters, will be some of the objectives of DWC.

Although our focus is on women, children also benefit from de-escalation of violence. We aim to provide relief for individuals through laws, training and shelters, which will cause changes in societal attitudes. We aim to learn and share the strategies of Dalit women's resistance to violence.

Please contact us if you would like to help, or join Dalit Women Caucus. Become an Adviser, Member, Supporter, Volunteer and/or Intern.